Nacho Vazquez

Engineering Lead

Nacho Vazquez is an experienced software engineer with over seven years of expertise at the forefront of innovation in various industries, including insurance, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications.

Before Aster, he developed the tech lead role at an insurance startup. He helped orchestrate AI integration pipelines, design platform architectures, and optimize application performance.

Throughout his career, Nacho has excelled in project management, team leadership, and designing robust software architectures, consistently delivering efficient and scalable solutions.

Besides his professional roles, Nacho actively contributes to open-source projects and writes technical articles. He is a recognized Nx Champion, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the software development community.

Originally from Cuba, Nacho holds a Bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Havana. After completing his academic journey, he co-founded a startup with colleagues based on his thesis project, which focused on a CalDAV server with multi-resource conflict detection.

In his free time, Nacho enjoys scuba diving and spending quality time with his family.

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